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2022 – Breath _ Noisy-le-Grand – France


Program Office for life science firms
Surface 5000 m² (rehabilitation, transformation)
Place Noisy-le-Grand, IdF, France
Team ARKHENSPACES + Atelier TOTEM: Eric Cassar, Jean-François Brault (Atelier Totem), Virginia Beita, Caren El Helou / Structural Engineer: DA INGENIERIES / Fluid Engineer: Barbanel / Environmental Engineer (reuse of materials): LAB INGENIERIE

Link with the present and future neighborhood

The new entrance located to the east opens the space of the upper pedestrian level towards its periphery, to the north. It presupposes, proposes, or invites an extension of the district to the avenue Montaigne below. This extension of the district could be done through the creation of new buildings. It would then be interesting to create a public connection through them, with the help of footbridges. To the south, the lower level, currently the ground floor, would become a « real » and active ground floor. It would house a café-restaurant with a terrace for the offices located nearby. Some spaces could turn into meeting rooms when not in use.

From public to private

The project will seek to prioritize the accessibility and intimacy of places, transitioning from the most public to the most private. The entrance on the east side is directly related to the overground pedestrian area. It will be below a small garden: a vegetated terrace that will integrate a bioclimatic greenhouse and panoramic elevators serving the different levels. This new entrance would free up the current entrance located in the elevated central plaza. This space could eventually, in agreement with the co-owners, become a shared area with access reserved only for the inhabitants or users of the buildings, like a patio: vegetation, deckchairs, work tables, small gardens, etc. We will recreate, at different scales, porosities of access to spaces by working on nuances between private and public, and by organizing the simultaneous and alternate sharing of common places. On the west side, we propose to add structurally independent wooden passageways, providing outdoor spaces for offices and regulating solar gain (the passageway serves as a sunscreen for the openings located just below). They incorporate stairs that free up the surface dedicated to indoor circulation and meet accessibility constraints.


On each of the roofs, we will build light wooden « outgrowths », like houses opening onto small gardens. They may include technical equipment or workspaces. The balcony railings may be made from reused elements of the current façade. Thus, the building integrates three architectural styles: on the street, the car park, then on the overground pedestrian area, the building, and then on the « over-building » of small constructions surrounded by vegetation.

Environmental intentions


The terrace located above the entrance (1st floor) will be largely planted, as will the passageways, part of the bioclimatic greenhouse, and the roofs. This vegetation will increase biodiversity, reduce the urban heat island effect, and decrease the volumes of rainwater sent to the sewer. It will contribute to the comfort of users within the public space (tree-covered areas providing shaded paths).

Bioclimatic facades

All the facades of the building will be completely renovated. To the south, there will be a double envelope. Between the two facades, a half-interior/half-exterior winter garden space will enlarge the area and increase the diversity of the spaces. This system will create a bioclimatic greenhouse, bringing heat to the building in winter and mid-season. It will integrate solar protection and prevent overheating in summer. This second facade envelope will be made of reused glass elements from the current façade.

Bioclimatic design & Energy performance

The analysis and understanding of the local climate will guarantee a thoughtful bioclimatic design, which will allow each façade to be treated according to its specific constraints, ensuring a high level of comfort for its users. Our philosophy is not to propose a generic project but to offer specific solutions that will significantly improve the building’s energy performance. Additionally, we believe that it is essential to design passive devices (efficient facades, solar protection, natural ventilation openings, etc.) before considering active systems (air conditioning, heating). The provision of natural light, especially for the least exposed facades, will be crucial for the well-being of users. The treatment of thermal bridges will be a key element to align the project with current French energy standards. The selection of glazing will be based on the level of exposure of the facades. A balance between sun protection and light input will be systematically targeted. The glazing rate on the facade will be optimized to reduce solar gains for the most exposed facades and also to minimize losses. The insulation of opaque parts will be efficient. Finally, the use of natural ventilation through operable windows will be explored to assess its relevance and feasibility. The design of the project will extend beyond the building itself to requalify the outdoor spaces. The creation of openings will establish more connections with the surrounding environment and improve the quality of outdoor spaces. The block will be considered as a whole, ensuring a high level of comfort for each user.

Carbon & reuse

The primary goal of this rehabilitation project is to enhance what is already there, thus reducing the need for raw materials. This strategy will help reduce the project’s carbon footprint. Our expertise in reuse will be a valuable asset in minimizing emissions. We will propose conducting a resource assessment to identify, qualify, and quantify the existing materials, enabling on-site or off-site reuse of good-quality materials or finding solutions for recycling them. For example, we aim to reuse façade elements to design winter gardens. New elements integrated into the project will be primarily bio-sourced and low carbon. We will conduct a life cycle analysis to assess the carbon footprint of the operation.

Reintroduce diversity to identify the place

Outside: » The east and north facades will be embellished with balconies that create outdoor spaces and contribute to the building’s identity. » The west facades will include passageways with vertical circulation via stairs. » To the east, panoramic elevators will mark the entrance and the building. » The green terraces will offer a variety of atmospheres depending on their location and orientation.
The separation will not be exclusively by single-level floors but by half-floors spanning two levels. This will create diversity in the volume and proximity between teams, using double heights in certain areas. The programmatic diversity will naturally invite an increase in the diversity of atmospheres and spaces: amphitheater, closed offices, clean rooms, more or less open floors, multi-purpose meeting rooms.

Strengthening the ecosystem through smart-building

The establishment of an infrastructure and a digital compass (digital app) will enable: » Better management of spaces over time. This building will consist of adaptable spaces that can transform according to needs. » Better energy consumption management. The digital infrastructure will provide real-time data on occupancy and adjust energy consumption accordingly. » Connectivity with other healthcare and life sciences facilities. The aim is to make this building a hub for health-related topics, where health actors such as clinics, hospitals, and universities can connect and utilize the services and space resources offered.

Activate the district from the study phase: temporary occupation

Transitional urban planning operations generate positive externalities for both the district, which remains active and attractive, and the future project itself. On the project site, in consultation with the city of Noisy-le-Grand, Novaxia will take the initiative to temporarily make the current building available to its network of partner associations to animate a solidarity and inclusive district.



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