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2020 – OME _ senior residences concept

Program New concept of senior residences
Surface -
Place -
Owner Arcade Vyv + Arche Promotion
Team Eric Cassar, Astrid Arnaud, Leire Urionagüena, Alaa Sndyan / Communication agency: TERRITOIRES / Digital infrastructure: i-PORTA

OME: Ouverture Monde Extérieur (Opening to the Outside World)
Feel useful to age well

In the middle of the 21st century, the Earth will be home to more elderly people than young people. By 2040, France will have 10.6 million people aged over 75, compared to 6 million today. Today, every newborn has about a one in two chance of becoming a centenarian. In just a few generations, twenty to thirty years have been added to the duration of our lives. This (tremendous) step forward (and anthropological shift) changes everything: our professional, romantic, and family lives, our relationship to the world, to illness, and even the very meaning of our individual and collective destinies. How do we live this extended longevity, this “bonus of life”?

It is because people remain outward-looking and helpful to others that they stay healthy. OME supports seniors by offering them a comfortable and stimulating living environment, open to the outside world while promoting their well-being and health.


A place that captures energy

An accelerator of social ties and a catalyst for resources through increased modular spaces, OME supports initiatives and promotes interaction between seniors, children, families, and the neighborhood. It is a place:

– Ecological: in harmony with living ecosystems (symbiotic processes, social and solidarity economy, re-use, transformation, gardens that welcome biodiversity) – Personalized: a space that reflects my identity (to feel at home) – A Pivot: between interior and exterior, old and new, wisdom and audacity – A Leverage: for initiatives, services, and relationships with my loved ones, neighbors, and the community – Freedom: to meet all desires through diversity (varied atmospheres, adaptability, and mobility) – Stimulating: leaving room for surprise, the unexpected, and new experiences – Resilient: capable of adapting quickly to the unexpected, flexible, and adaptable


Place « heart of life »

A propagator of « active serenity » at the epicenter of universal aspirations: wisdom, sharing, pleasure, calm, and peace.

– A place of freedom where everyone chooses their habitat, activities, and spaces according to their needs and desires. – A connected place that brings loved ones closer and erases distances to expand possibilities and resilience in all situations (confinement, remoteness, etc.). – A place that promotes exchanges and suggests opportunities to share services and knowledge. – A place open to its environment, in synergy with its neighborhood and city. – A place reflecting a generation of the Golden Age—useful, rich in teaching, and a broker of knowledge. – A responsible place attentive to well-being and ecological aspirations.


Place revealing experiences and emotions

Spaces where different generations meet, where moments of calm or excitement alternate, where one moves from a deep atmosphere to a light one, where one can enjoy solitude or find collective engagement. Spaces where senses are stimulated, shared with loved ones, and neighbors, creating a lively yet serene rhythm.


Place in synergy with its environment

At the scale of the residence, extending to the neighborhood, we are establishing a social and solidarity economy that brings resilience to the heart of the local network.


This place works in connection with an adapted architecture (designed through n-spaces), a caretaker (both janitor and community manager), and an infrastructure + digital compass, following the methods used in our projects Infinity home, Working with h(e)ar(t)mony, or The active smart-block.


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.



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