Mediterrapolis : a european meta smart-city
Program Smart-city : european city (Métacity) with mainly temporary resident
Surface 1700 Ha
Place Greece
Calendar Starting concept 2017
Client Private developper : Frédéric Koskas & Ondine Kahyat
Team Eric Cassar, Leire Urionagüena, Alaa Sndyan, Djuneït Lapo
Engineering Artelia
General principal After defining an economic and political Europe, and in order to avoid rising nationalism, it is necessary to build a meeting place for European citizens :
• is a metacity that enhances European citizenship consciousness and invites visitors to discover European values, visions and riches.
• is a European Smart-city model with no permanent inhabitants where each place is thought and designed through “N-spaces” meaning that the uses are changing through space and time. And also that they can be connected to the inhabitants and to other physical and digital spaces.
• is an interdisciplinary place to have fun, to think, to argue and to exchange, to look further together and get ready for the future.
A concentration of Europe all in one place: The pavilions
Mediterrapolis is a door to different cultures and European countries through 27 star pavilions located next to different dedicated service spaces (restaurants, shops etc.).
Each pavilion is digitally linked to its countries and is a place for events and information in order to highlight country territories, knowledge and know-how, cultures and activities from the past, the present and the future.
European agoras
Mediterrapolis facilitates the organisation of all different types of events, experiences and meetings, around various topics.
There will be more than 15 agoras, “temples“ or edifices dedicated to various themes from sport to health through art, sciences and politics. Different activities and European encounters could be organized in these edifices between specialists, passionates, students on specific subjects, to encourage arguments, debates and to prepare for the future. The geographical proximity between those thematic edifices allows the interdisciplinary exchange.
Physical space to experience different ideas.
For example, the agora of health welcomes:
– a seminary for hand surgeons
– a meeting for pharmaceuticals firms
– a course on sleep disorder
– an exhibition on sports and health relationship.
– a seminary for physiotherapists
– a breathing experience
Synergy of Diversities (of territories, of disciplines and of thoughts)
Mediterrapolis is a metacity with its own space time that provokes insight and collective thought dealing with our contradictions in order to find a better solutions. The amphitheatre of art and culture is its beating heart.
Facing up to our opinions helps us to understand our differences.
Mediterrapolis is a theatre for all the actors of the civil society.
Design guideline (cf schema)
Mediterrapolis is a local and global city, ecological and poetic. It takes advantages of the synergies to reuse all of the resources, produce energy, experiences, surprises, sensations and consciousness.
The public equipments: school, sports centre, theatre, etc. can host the users of different countries from several weeks to several months.
Smart-city : a territory increased by the digital (cf schema)
The digital helps the exchange and the social relationships, the sharing. It brings about chance and generates meetings, and gives access to events according to individual interests during the stay.
It also allows better management of space-time in the city (maintenance, asset, use): it enlarges the living spaces for everyone and multiplies the uses, while helping to commute and to better use space.
The «caretaker», concierge 2.0 or conductor helps also in the transformation of the spaces through time to adapt to the needs.
The architect doesn’t ordinate the spaces, he coordinates the space-time.
Mediterrapolis takes advantage of the Europeans’ diversities, encourages them to meet physically, to better understand themselves and exchange ideas together, to prepare for a better future that respects the planete, its diversity and ecosystems.
Intodays presentation in Palais des Festival, Cannes 2019