2015 – The Children _ Paris France
Program Children family dwellings
Surface 1250 m²
Place Paris, France
Team Éric Cassar, Valentina Bonuglia, Andrea Salaberri, Osama Abou Samra
Project leader Arkhenspaces
Client Ré-inventer Paris – Parthena
Engineering consulting firm Grontmij (All Trade), Transsolar (Climatic engineer), Intent (start-up)
General principle Our goal is to re-create living space for single-parent families or for couples with young children (O to 12 years). This building will be dedicated to them. It will make life easier by increasing free time, by decreasing all costs (babysitting, pooling) by improving life quality.
The new technologies allow to move closer to the neighbors and to manage better the pooling and sharing of spaces.
The Garden-sky (shared space) is a piece of heaven open on Paris landscape, a playground for the children, and a friendly space where parents can share their time.
The building invites the inhabitant to increase their environmental consciousness. It suggests them movements and attitudes to “take care” of the building. It proposes to learn ecology-economy of energy in a playful, educational way (and not with a constraint control).
Pooling and sharing of the space
Worlds and uses can be opened between the personal and the public spaces (property of everyone).
The use of both the patio and the garden-sky (with its two terraces and three mutualized play areas) make possible to reduce the space for the children in each apartment.
The garden-sky space will be used as a kindergarten for the children of the building during the day and as a common recreation room at night or during the week end .
Modularity of the space
The size of the family evolves. We want to adapt easily the spaces according to the evolution of the family (long time) and to the hours of the day, related to the amount of people (short time).
Pooling and sharing of the daily time
For example, taking the children to school could be shared among the parents.
A single parent, can bring the children in the morning and keep them in the evening in the common playroom.
Rational and sensitive intelligences
The spaces, atmosphere and pooling services, will be manage by a computer system partially accessible by smartphone. This « computer core » will adapt the building in real time (well being), will decrease the waste of energy (saving energy) will produce immaterial aesthetics and will suggest an eco-responsible behavior through games. It will feed the imaginations.